This section outlines the available commands within the menu system
Example Usage through Lua:
Available Commands:
A comprehensive list of commands can be found in the command table documentation.
Additional Notes:
, it's to get the hash model from adder.
bailkick "bail kick on the user index" Arguments: 1
bailkickall "Bail kick on everyone" Arguments: 0
breakup "Breakup kick on the user" Arguments: 1
breakupcheating "Show the message "removed by cheating" when kicked" Arguments: 0
desync "Desync kick" Arguments: 1
desyncall "Desync everyone" Arguments: 0
endkick "End Session kick on the user" Arguments: 1
hostkick "Host kick that only works when host" Arguments: 1
nfkick "Null function kick on the user" Arguments: 1
nfkickall "Null function kick on everyone" Arguments: 0
oomkick "oom kick on the user" Arguments: 1
shkick "Script host kick on the user" Arguments: 1
clearwanted "CLEAR_WANTED_LEVEL_DESC" Arguments: 1
clearwantedall "CLEAR_WANTED_LEVEL_DESC" Arguments: 0
enterint "ENTER_INTERIOR_DESC" Arguments: 1
giveammo "GIVE_AMMO_DESC" Arguments: 1
giveammoall "GIVE_AMMO_DESC" Arguments: 0
givearmor "GIVE_ARMOR_DESC" Arguments: 1
givearmorall "GIVE_ARMOR_DESC" Arguments: 0
givehealth "GIVE_HEALTH_DESC" Arguments: 1
givehealthall "GIVE_HEALTH_DESC" Arguments: 0
joinceo "JOIN_CEO_DESC" Arguments: 1
copymodel "STEAL_IDENTITY_DESC" Arguments: 1
copyoutfit "STEAL_OUTFIT_DESC" Arguments: 1
ceokick "CEO_KICK_DESC" Arguments: 1
ceokickall "CEO_KICK_DESC" Arguments: 0
explode "EXPLODE_PLAYER_DESC" Arguments: 1
explodeall "EXPLODE_PLAYER_DESC" Arguments: 0
mission "FORCE_INTO_MISSION_DESC" Arguments: 1
missionall "FORCE_INTO_MISSION_DESC" Arguments: 0
giveweaps "GIVE_WEAPONS_DESC" Arguments: 1
giveweapsall "GIVE_WEAPONS_ALL_DESC" Arguments: 0
intkick "KICK_FROM_INTERIOR_DESC" Arguments: 1
intkickall "KICK_FROM_INTERIOR_DESC" Arguments: 0
vehkick "VEHICLE_KICK_DESC" Arguments: 1
vehkickall "VEHICLE_KICK_DESC" Arguments: 0
kill "KILL_PLAYER_DESC" Arguments: 1
killall "KILL_PLAYER_DESC" Arguments: 0
ragdoll "RAGDOLL_PLAYER_DESC" Arguments: 1
ragdollall "RAGDOLL_PLAYER_DESC" Arguments: 0
remweaps "REMOVE_ALL_WEAPONS_DESC" Arguments: 1
remweapsall "REMOVE_ALL_WEAPONS_DESC" Arguments: 0
fakeban "FAKE_BAN_MESSAGE_DESC" Arguments: 1
fakebanall "FAKE_BAN_MESSAGE_DESC" Arguments: 0
sext "SEND_SEXT_DESC" Arguments: 1
sextall "SEND_SEXT_DESC" Arguments: 0
apartmenttp "TP_TO_APARTMENT_DESC" Arguments: 2
apartmenttpall "TP_TO_APARTMENT_DESC" Arguments: 1
interiortp "TP_TO_INTERIOR_DESC" Arguments: 2
interiortpall "TP_TO_INTERIOR_DESC" Arguments: 1
warehousetp "TP_TO_WAREHOUSE_DESC" Arguments: 2
warehousetpall "TP_TO_WAREHOUSE_DESC" Arguments: 1
wanted "SET_WANTED_LEVEL_DESC" Arguments: 2
errorall "SHOW_TRANSACTION_ERROR_DESC" Arguments: 0
tutorial "Plays that unskippable cutscene used in the tutorial" Arguments: 1
tutorialall "Plays that unskippable cutscene used in the tutorial" Arguments: 0
golf "Starts golf" Arguments: 1
golfall "Starts golf" Arguments: 0
flightschool "Teleports player to the airport and starts flight school" Arguments: 1
flightschoolall "Teleports player to the airport and starts flight school" Arguments: 0
darts "Starts darts in a Sandy Shores bar" Arguments: 1
dartsall "Starts darts in a Sandy Shores bar" Arguments: 0
badlands "Starts the arcade game Badlands Revenge II in fullscreen" Arguments: 1
badlandsall "Starts the arcade game Badlands Revenge II in fullscreen" Arguments: 0
spacemonkey "Starts the arcade game Space Monkey 3 in fullscreen" Arguments: 1
spacemonkeyall "Starts the arcade game Space Monkey 3 in fullscreen" Arguments: 0
wizard "Starts the arcade game The Wizard's Ruin in fullscreen" Arguments: 1
wizardall "Starts the arcade game The Wizard's Ruin in fullscreen" Arguments: 0
qub3d "Starts the arcade game Qub3D in fullscreen" Arguments: 1
qub3dall "Starts the arcade game Qub3D in fullscreen" Arguments: 0
camhedz "Starts the arcade game Camhedz in fullscreen" Arguments: 1
camhedzall "Starts the arcade game Camhedz in fullscreen" Arguments: 0
ceoraid "TRIGGER_CEO_RAID_DESC" Arguments: 1
ceoraidall "TRIGGER_CEO_RAID_DESC" Arguments: 0
beast "TURN_INTO_BEAST_DESC" Arguments: 1
beastall "TURN_INTO_BEAST_ALL_DESC" Arguments: 0
bring "BRING_DESC" Arguments: 1
bringall "BRING_ALL_DESC" Arguments: 0
bounty "BOUNTY_DESC" Arguments: 1
bountyall "BOUNTY_DESC" Arguments: 0
anonbounty "BOUNTY_ANON_DESC" Arguments: 0
playertp "TELEPORT_DESC" Arguments: 1
playervehtp "TELEPORT_INTO_VEHICLE_DESC" Arguments: 1
boostveh "Boosts their car very fast." Arguments: 1
boostvehall "Boosts their car very fast." Arguments: 0
burstwheels "Removes their tyres." Arguments: 1
burstwheelsall "Removes their tyres." Arguments: 0
closedoors "Closes all vehicle doors" Arguments: 1
closedoorsall "Closes all vehicle doors" Arguments: 0
downgradeveh "Removes all upgrades" Arguments: 1
downgradevehall "Removes all upgrades" Arguments: 0
flip180 "Rotates their car around" Arguments: 1
flip180all "Rotates their car around" Arguments: 0
flyingveh "Catapults their car to the sky." Arguments: 1
flyingvehall "Catapults their car to the sky." Arguments: 0
killengine "Breaks their engine" Arguments: 1
killengineall "Breaks their engine" Arguments: 0
lockveh "Locks vehicle doors" Arguments: 1
lockvehall "Locks vehicle doors" Arguments: 0
opendoors "Opens all vehicle doors" Arguments: 1
opendoorsall "Opens all vehicle doors" Arguments: 0
rcplayer "Take control of the player's vehicle. Spectate the player beforehand for best results" Arguments: 1
smashwindows "Smashes all their windows" Arguments: 1
smashwindowsall "Smashes all their windows" Arguments: 0
stopveh "Stops players vehicle" Arguments: 1
stopvehall "Stops players vehicle" Arguments: 0
unlockveh "Unlocks Vehicle Doors" Arguments: 1
unlockvehall "Unlocks Vehicle Doors" Arguments: 0
upgradeveh "Upgrades players vehicle" Arguments: 1
upgradevehall "Upgrades players vehicle" Arguments: 0
blacktint "Makes their windows black." Arguments: 1
blacktintall "Makes their windows black." Arguments: 0
fillammo "Fills all of your ammo." Arguments: 0
beastjump "Allows you to jump as if you were the beast like in the Hunt the Beast event" Arguments: 0
clean "Cleans the player of wetness and decals" Arguments: 0
clearwantedlvl "Clears your wanted level" Arguments: 0
fillsnacks "Refills snacks and armor" Arguments: 0
heal "HEAL_DESC" Arguments: 0
repairpv "Repairs your currently active personal vehicle" Arguments: 0
boatpickup "Request a boat pickup" Arguments: 0
ballisticarmor "Requests ballistic equipment which includes ballistic armor and an minigun" Arguments: 0
skipcutscene "Skips the currently playing cutscene" Arguments: 0
suicide "Kills you" Arguments: 0
superjump "Jump really high" Arguments: 0
spawn "Spawn a vehicle with the specified model" Arguments: 1
spawnmaxed "Controls whether the vehicle spawned will have its mods maxed out" Arguments: 0
spawnin "Controls whether the player should be set inside the vehicle after it spawns" Arguments: 0
fastquit "We all have bad times sometimes. Close your GTA instant." Arguments: 0
bringpv "Teleports your PV near you" Arguments: 0
lastvehtp "Teleports you into your last driven vehicle" Arguments: 0
objectivetp "Teleports you to your mission objective" Arguments: 0
pvtp "Teleports you into your PV" Arguments: 0
waypointtp "Teleports you to your waypoint" Arguments: 0
hudcolor "Override HUD colors" Arguments: 0
cleanloop "KEEP_PLAYER_CLEAN_DESC" Arguments: 0
fastrespawn "INSTANT_RESPAWN_DESC" Arguments: 0
freecam "FREECAM_DESC" Arguments: 0
godmode "GODMODE_DESC" Arguments: 0
healthregen "HEALTH_REGEN_DESC" Arguments: 0
invis "INVISIBILITY_DESC" Arguments: 0
localvis "LOCAL_VISIBILITY_DESC" Arguments: 0
mobileradio "MOBILE_RADIO_DESC" Arguments: 0
nocollision "NO_COLLISION_DESC" Arguments: 0
noragdoll "NO_RAGDOLL_DESC" Arguments: 0
walkunder "WALK_UNDERWATER_DESC" Arguments: 0
noclip "NO_CLIP_DESC" Arguments: 0
otr "OFF_RADAR_DESC" Arguments: 0
ptfx "PTFX_CMD_DESC" Arguments: 0
fastrun "SUPER_RUN_DESC" Arguments: 0
superman "SUPERMAN_DESC" Arguments: 0
infoxy "UNLIMITED_OXYGEN_DESC" Arguments: 0
autotptowp "Automatically teleports you to a waypoint as soon as you set one" Arguments: 0
vcaudio "Plays the audio.wav file in the project folder through voice chat. The wave file must be encoded with a mono 16 bit 16kHz PCM format. You have to reset voice chat settings whenever you load the menu for the sound to play" Arguments: 0
nophone "Blocks phone and stops all phone calls" Arguments: 0
noidlekick "Prevents you from being kicked while idling." Arguments: 0
blockhoming "Prevents homing missiles from locking on to your vehicle" Arguments: 0
mutesiren "Disables the siren sound of Emergency vehicles" Arguments: 0
driveonwater "Allows you to drive on water" Arguments: 0
vehiclefly "Fly with any land vehicle" Arguments: 0
hornboost "Boosts your vehicle forward when you sound the horn" Arguments: 0
instantbrake "Makes your vehicle stop instantly when you press the brake" Arguments: 0
invisveh "Makes your car invisible" Arguments: 0
localinvisveh "Makes your car visible to yourself, other players will still not be able to see it" Arguments: 0
keepengine "Keeps the engine running when you exit the vehicle" Arguments: 0
keeponground "Makes it so your vehicle is always on the ground on all four wheels" Arguments: 0
keepfixed "Keeps your vehicle free of wear and tear" Arguments: 0
vehnocollision "Same as Ped No Collision, except this is global and also affects Ped" Arguments: 0
driveunder "Allows you to drive underwater" Arguments: 0
rainbowpri "Applies active rainbow effect to the current vehicle's primary color" Arguments: 0
rainbowsec "Applies active rainbow effect to the current vehicle's secondary color" Arguments: 0
rainbowneons "Applies active rainbow effect to the current vehicle's neon color" Arguments: 0
rainbowsmoke "Applies active rainbow effect to the current vehicle's tire smoke color" Arguments: 0
rainbowspeed "Speed of the rainbow paint effect" Arguments: 1
seatbelt "Prevent you from falling off bikes or flying through the windshield" Arguments: 0
speedometer "Enable/disable the speedo meter for vehicles." Arguments: 0
speedometergears "Adds the current gear the vehicle is in to the speedo meter." Arguments: 0
speedometerleftside "Aligns the speedo meter text to the left instead of to the right." Arguments: 0
turnsignals "Makes your car invisible" Arguments: 0
vehallweapons "Allows you to use all weapons in vehicle" Arguments: 0
vehgodmode "Prevents your vehicle from taking any form of damage" Arguments: 0
vehjump "Makes the vehicle jump when you press the handbrake" Arguments: 0
aimbot "Lock on and kill" Arguments: 0
smoothing "Controls the snappiness of your lock on" Arguments: 0
aimatplayer "If you suck at PVP, this is for you" Arguments: 0
aimatnpc "Generally kills normal NPCs" Arguments: 0
aimatpolice "Locks onto cops to kill" Arguments: 0
aimatenemy "Eliminate your enemies, and win your missions" Arguments: 0
alwaysfullammo "Refills your ammo every tick" Arguments: 0
incrdamage "Sets your damage to whatever you want" Arguments: 0
infammo "Never run out of ammo again" Arguments: 0
infclip "Shoot forever without needing to reload" Arguments: 0
infrange "Kill anything at any distance" Arguments: 0
norecoil "Removes weapon recoil when shooting" Arguments: 0
nospread "Removes weapon spread when shooting" Arguments: 0
rapidfire "Makes your weapon fire insanely fast" Arguments: 0
triggerbot "Shoots at a ped with fast ease" Arguments: 0
blackhole "Spawns a blackhole that picks up all the peds and vehicles in your area" Arguments: 0
blackholeincpeds "Includes all nearby peds in the blackhole's path of destruction" Arguments: 0
blackholeincvehs "Includes all nearby vehicles in the blackhole's path of destruction" Arguments: 0
autodisarm "Disarm nearby pedestrians" Arguments: 0
riotmode "Make nearby peds attack each other" Arguments: 0
highalert "Not the CoD perk" Arguments: 0
pedsignore "Nearby peds will ignore you and become oblivious to your actions" Arguments: 0
pedrush "Makes the nearby peds move with a purpose" Arguments: 0
pedrain "Will pour down and rain nearby peds" Arguments: 0
vehiclerain "Drops surrounding vehicles, vehicles can hit and kill you!" Arguments: 0
timeoverride "Overrides current time. This is local and cannot be seen by other players" Arguments: 0
weatheroverride "Overrides current weather. This is local and cannot be seen by other players" Arguments: 0
orbitaldrone "Enables/Disables the orbital drone" Arguments: 0
player_db_auto_update_states "Toggling this feature will automatically update the player online states every 5minutes." Arguments: 0
vehiclecontrol "Enables/Disables the vehicle controller." Arguments: 0
cmdexecutor "Toggles the command executor window" Arguments: 0
Last updated